Job Hunting Boot Camp
Introduction | Agenda Examples | Chart Paths | Elevator Pitch | Networking | Interviewing | The Manual
Job Hunting & Career Changing — The Job Hunting Manual
The How’s and Why’s of Career Survival
A Career Management and Job Search
Campaign Manual and Workbook
A Systematic Program and Training Course for Life-Long Career Management of Personal and Marketplace Perceptions and Realities, Providing Effective Strategies, Scripts, and Insights for Accurate Marketplace Positioning, Effective Self-Marketing and Networking, Winning Self-Presentations, and Life-Long Learning and Career Planning, for Executives, Managers, and Professionals in Today's Highly Competitive, High Technology/International Marketplace
Users of this manual have called it "the bible" of job hunting and career management.
Follow it in order to achieve your career goal more quickly and satisfactorily!
- A Word of Welcome
- Controlling Your Campaign
- The Context of Your Campaign: Developing Routines for Conducting Your Campaign and for Turning Job Hunting into Job Holding
- Performance of the Job Hunter's Role: The Job Hunter as Diversified Trojan Horse
- The Five Audiences Before Whom You Must Perform: Targeting Them by Identifying and Seizing the Marketplace
- Researching Your Five Audiences
- Imaging
- Marketing Plan
- Tracking Your Campaign
- Campaign Communications Strategies and the PSR: Fitting the Tools, Scripting the Scenes, Telling the Stories, and Writing Your Letters
- Product Definition
- Resume: Developing Your Calling Card
- Written Communications: Letters, Correspondence
- Networking: "The 5 Step" for Obtaining Advice and Referrals: Marketing Yourself Through Chain Reaction Lead Generation
- Telephone Techniques Getting Through: The Telemarketing of Self: Focussing on the Invisible Verbal Vocals
- Recruiter ("Head Hunters") Interviewing: Convincing "Distributors" to Market You
- Ads: Answering Them More Efficiently and Effectively
- Interviewing: "The Four Step," for Meeting with Decision Makers for Actual Positions
- Concluding the Campaign: Negotiating Terms and Conditions
- 1st 90 Days on the New Job: New Position, Critical Beginnings
- Bibliography
- Final Sign Off and Response