31 ways to generate revenues using film
and the 31 collapsed into 11 categories
31 ways to generate revenue in 11 categories
- Theatrical release
- DVD (purchase and rental).
- Pay for view and pay by broadcast/satellite/cable.
- Downloading from Internet to desk top computers, cell phones and TV, whole and serialized
- Specialty markets (Airline showings ; Armed forces base showings ; Schools and college showings.
- Licensed merchandize related to books and coloring books
- Licensing of products based on the film: boats, rods, reels, jewelry, mugs, toys
- Licensing of film characters: toys, dolls, action figures, clothing lines.
- Licensing to fast foot chains to selected film based products as listed above
- Open film in conjunction with a major bass fishing tournament for maximum exposure and publicity
- Replicating the above in as many countries as possible, especially those with a great interest in bass fishing, e.g., Japan and Asia. In other words, due to the world wide interest in and passion of bass fishing, the film will generate box office and DVD interest around the world as it entertains the global economy.
31 individual ways to generate revenues using film
Best case - Worst case scenario: Best: all 30 markets and distribution channels. Worst: most channels minus theatrical distribution. We anticipate a best-case scenario using the networks of the individuals involved with the film projects. "Products": video/DVD of 1, 5, 10, 30, and 60 minutes (with commercial tyins front and back).
The 30 & 60 distribution channels: domestic & foreign theater release vs. straight to DVD, TV, etc. (p. 4)
Market of 30 Domestic Distribution Channels (to be duplicated in the global markets)
"Content is king!" The reason why films can make money is because failure in one distribution channel doesn't mean failure in all. Here are the channels of distribution:
- Theatres: multiplexes (simultaneous and staggered): $9.9 billion in 2000 box office revenues
- Theatres: art houses (i.e., Landmark Theatres)
- Home video/DVD purchases:
- Home video/DVD rentals (different sums reported but great sums either way)
- Hollywood Reporter: Theatres & home videos = $42 billion in revenues in 2000
- Video Business Magazine: Theatres & home videos = $20.3 billion
- Internet film / other content down loads: Homes; wireless areas
- Internet film/other content down load: Non-homes (offices, schools, military bases, ships at sea)
- Internet film/other content downloads: IPODS, cell phones, other hand helds
- Internet film/other content downloads through VOD: video on demand
- TV: Broadcast (major networks)
- TV: Pay for View
- TV: Cable = hundreds of major and minor channels, system wide and local
- TV: High Definition channels
- TV: Satellite systems
- Radio: "normal" broadcasting
- Radio: satellite
- Downloading to desk top computers and cell phones and other devices from Hulu.com, YouTube, embed URLs, NetFlix, etc.
- Airline showings
- Armed forces base showings
- Schools and college showings
- Ball park exposure, using clips on Jumbletrons
- Netflix
- Church showings and sales
- Community center showings and sales
- CD soundtracks from the films
- DVD Calendars and posters based on the films
- Books based on the films (books films are based on and original books to coincide with openings)
- Study guides on the films: print
- Study guides on the films: feeds to web sites and web logs
- Merchandising licenses for products based on the films: Jewelry, mugs, toys, dolls, action figures, etc.
- Clothing line and merchandizing licenses for lines based on the films
- Foreign channels of the above 30, duplicated in country after country.