Peter J. Jessen

"Goals Per Action" Success Consultant · · 9931 SW 61st Ave., Portland, OR 97219 · Tel: 503.977.3240 · Fax: 503.977.3239

Classes Based on Stephen Covey's, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Two class series — one for adults and one for teens — based on Stephen Covey and Sean Covey's books



7 Habits


Pages 70 – 112, Be From Steven R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families:  Building a Beautiful Family Culture in a Turbulent World,Golden Books, New York, 1997
Pages 73-104, THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TEEN: THE ULTIMATE TEENAGE SUCCESS GUIDE, Sean Covey, A Fireside Book, Simon & Schuste, 1998
Pages 12, 52, The 7 Habits of Effective Teens: THE MINIATURE EDITION, Sean Covey, 2002

Habit 2:  “Begin with the End in Mind

Your Destination

      •  Developing points of affirmation (daily or weekly)

      •  Love as a commitment; love as a verb (our actions)

      •  30 Day Proactivity Test

        •  “Creating Your Own Family Mission Statement

      •  Three "Watch Outs":  for Developing Statement

           1.  Don't announce it:  all must participate

           2.  Don't rush it.  Take weeks, months.

           3.  Don't ignore it.

      •  Group discussion

      •  Mission Statement Development Exercises

Habit 2:  “Begin with the End in Mind”, pp. 70-112 

  •  Key questions for Habit 2

        •  “Have I written a personal mission statement which provides meaning, purpose, and direction to my life? 

        •  Do my actions flow from my mission?"    “What will your life be about?  Your Mission Statement.”

        •  “A Destination and a Compass”  -  What’s yours?

        •  “Creating Your Own Family Mission Statement

“Developing a Family Mission Statement”

“Based on the Principle of Vision”

All things are created twice
(idea/blueprint; make/build)

Step 1:  Explore What Your Family is All About

Step 2:  Write Your Family Mission Statement

Step 3:  Use it to Stay on Track